Wednesday 27 November 2013

What am I ?

Not sure how to do this,,i probably should have read a blog before i decided on a whim to create my own...but then again thats how i kinda of do things...i will say that i have always wanted to write a book..but as you can see my grammer and puntuations and placment of periods and comma's really suck ass... i could never fitgure that out...maybe i just didnt care enough..wierd?
so i would like to begin  by my earliest memory ..I think i was about 2yrs old and i was looking out a kitchen window, sitting at the table with my brother across from me... i was peering at my mom hanging laundry up on a line with the early morning sunshine  shining through the  sheeets...i looked down at my cereal and saw waht looked to me like little eyeballs, im pretty sure i was wondering why would mom give me little eyeballs for food?.. later on in life i was walking in the organic cereal isle and saw these same little eyeballs in a large bag...they were actually wheat puffs... i felt kinda of releived to finally put that puzzling memory to rest...but also sad ....